Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Milestone 2287 or 2351

In the first 24 hours after I created this blog I got just under 70 page hits—at least 30 of which were my own because I hadn’t figured out how to block them out.  At that time I decided that if I ever hit 1000 hits I would write something reflective and thankful along with some deep thoughts about something or other.

Today, much to my surprise, while I was out running errands and watching Guardians of the Galaxy in 3D, I got about 1000 page hits in three hours.  The all time total, when I started typing this entry at 9:15 am English time was 2287.  As I finish typing at 9:21 am the total is  now 2351.  Clearly, posting on the Saintsweb site (http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/forum.php) is an effective way to pump up interest in a Southampton FC blog.  I suspect it will be less effective when I start my blog about California Civil Commitment law.

In any case, I have not been doing this long enough to have any useful reflections so I just want to thank people for reading but kindly request that you not overdo things so I am too distracted from my money making work.  My secretary lectured me today about making sure she had enough work to do.  She had a point.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for taking the time to write these posts, some interesting perspectives.
